My New Mission

My New Mission

A place to improve my writing ability
My New Mission

My New Mission

A place to improve my writing ability

The Fire in Hell

Once upon a time, a sage wanted to teach a new lesson to his pupil. He gave the bowl of his hookah to him and said:

Dear friend! could you please go to hell and bring me some fire for my hookah? 

His young companion took the bowl and went to hell and came back but with no fire:

I was looking for a piece of coal in the hell. I searched all floors but I could not find any fire because everyone was burning in the fire of their actions, not coal.


In this era having no friend for you is the best

Remotely talking to this people is the best

 Those friends when see you who are the best

Their enmity against you also is the best

Omar Khayyam

We & AK-47

Kalashnikov AK-47 (Kelashinkov or Kelash as Iranians say) is the symbol of violence, blind terrorism, murder, and genocide for many people around the world

Considered by many warfare experts as the best assault rifle of the 20th century, AK-47 was mechanically simple, reliable in the hard climate, dust tolerance, and simple cleaning. It has proper power and range of the bullets, proper accuracy, a relatively big magazine, the ability to install the scope, the ability to the usage of various types of anti-personnel and anti-armor projectiles, and the ability to fire rifle grenades and so on. These characteristics made it above the contemporary assault rifles such as G3, M16, and FN Fal

From World War II until today, the only important war that I remember in which AK-47 was absent was the Falkland War. There was not a coup de taut, rebellion, or conflict that Kalashnikov AK-47 had not a significant role, after the Second World War (more than 40 cases)

Nowadays, thanks to the Tehran Municipality and Tehran Metro order, this symbol of terror has transformed into the symbol of resistance against oppression and injustice

God save my people