My New Mission

My New Mission

A place to improve my writing ability
My New Mission

My New Mission

A place to improve my writing ability

Wisdom and silence

The one whose brain is stopless,

talks a lot but meaningless

If there is a lot of nonsense talk,

the orator is humiliated by the folk

When your soul has no science,

your best option is reticence

Don't say that makes wildfire,
because the smoke is your quota from the backfire

The book of the kings (Shahnameh)

کسی را که مغزش بود پرشتاب فراوان سخن باشد و دیر یاب چو گفتار بیهوده بسیار گشت سخنگوی در مردمی خوار گشت ز دانش چو جان تو را مایه نیست به از خامشی هیچ پیرایه نیست مگو آن سخن کاندرو سود نیست
کزآن آتشت بهره جز دود نیست

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