My New Mission

My New Mission

A place to improve my writing ability
My New Mission

My New Mission

A place to improve my writing ability

In the Paradise

God was sitting on the couch & watching TV. Suddenly anyone knocked at the door…

Knock … Knock…. Knock

-Who is he?

-Father! It's me, Eve.

 God opened the door: Oh my daughter! What's the matter? Come in… come in. why are you crying?

-You are the worst God in the universe! You gave Adam a dick but how about me? Nothing…

God smiled and cleaned her tears: Don't worry my baby! His dick is yours too. That poor man is just a porter!!! 

The ratio of guns per person in the countries; weird numbers

I was reading a book that mentioned the ratio of guns per capita in the U.S. It was interesting & I googled to figure out that ratio in the other countries. We suppose that after the U.S. we find the countries that have political issues or civil war the table, for example Yemen or Syria or Colombia. However, the result was confusing for me.  From the countries with long time civil war, there was only Yemen among the top 10 countries. Lebanon is the 11st right after Finland. Canada is the 7th, but after almost 8 years civil war Syria is the rank 99th and burning Ukraine is 88th. Italy (52nd) is above Libya (59th). How is it possible? How people in the developed countries can have more guns than people in the poor countries and still their countries are safer? Crime rate in Canada is less than Afghanistan (42 to 76 per 100,000 people) although Canada has nearly 3 times guns to Afghanistan. How is the law, the law force and the juristic system in their countries that they can keep low the crime rate despite on too many guns keeping at their houses? It is the big mystery for me.

Is a wise enemy better than a foolish friend

 Once upon a time, a wealthy merchant in a small town had a son. The other day his son's friends came to his house and took his permission to go out with the boy to picnic. They left the town and played at a farm. Suddenly the boy fell and broke his leg. There were two boys among his friends. The first was his enemy, a talented, smart, wise guy. The second one was his close friend who liked the merchant's son extremely, but he was silly. The boys got panic, and they were looking for a solution. The fool guy said:" We should throw him in the well. So, we can go back home, and anybody can't figure out what happened." Most of the boys agreed with him, but the wise guy disagreed and answered:" Maybe it's a good solution for you, but if the boy doesn't return home, his family will think it is my fault because I'm their son's enemy." The wise boy came back to the merchant and explained the events, and they brought a doctor to the field to fix the son's leg

There are some sayings about friendship to fool people in Persian. For instance, we have 

 دوستی با مردم دانا نکوست                           دشمن دانا به از نادان دوست

دشمن دانا بلندت می کند                                  بر زمینت می زند نادان دوست

 which means: A wise enemy better than a foolish friend. A wise enemy will exalt you, but a foolish friend will knock you down. The second and third ones say

چو دانا تو را دشمن جان بود        به از دوست مردی که نادان بود


دشمن دانا که غم جان بود            بهتر از آن دوست که نادان بود


The second verse belongs to Ferdowsi and the third one belongs to Nezami. Both have a same meaning: It's better for you if you have an enemy who wants to kill you than a dumb friend

There are some sayings in English too. For example: Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. Or “Nothing is as dangerous as an ignorant friend; a wise enemy is to be preferred.” (Attributed to Jean de La Fontaine)

But how is the situation in the real world? Is a wise enemy better than a foolish friend? The answer is yes. A fool friend wastes your time, money, and energy. He depletes your resources by getting your attention to stupid kinds of stuff, although you can spend them on improving your life. A wise enemy, on the other hand, keep you alerted and wary. You should save your resources to encounter him, which can improve your ability to deal with difficulties. I prefer to have 100 wise enemies instead of one stupid one

Compound Ignorance

The one who knows and knows that he knows

He'll pass the fixed stars sphere riding the horse of the wisdom

The one who knows and does not know that he knows

Awaken him until he does not fall asleep

The one who does not know and knows that he does not know

He'll come back home riding his lame donkey

He who does not know and does not know that he does not know

He'll remain in compound ignorance forever